Help to Thrive ...
As a cat behaviourist and cat ‘psychologist’, my Help to Thrive sessions provide practical tailored advice and support to help ensure your cat is happy, thriving and getting the most out of life.
These sessions can help with a variety of different cat behaviour concerns – one of these sessions should be right for you if …
You’re worried your cat might not be as happy and relaxed as they could be.
You’re concerned your cat might be bored or not getting the stimulation they need.
You’ve rehomed a ‘rescue’ cat and they’re struggling to settle and ‘find their paws’?
You’ve installed a ‘state of the art’ cat flap but your cat still insists you open the door for them?
You’re thinking of getting another cat or a dog and worried your cat won’t accept a new arrival.
Your cat runs at the speed of light at the sight of their carrier so vet visits are always stressful.
You’ve got a baby on the way and you’re worried how your cat will cope with the change ahead.
You’re not sure how best to set up your cat’s litter trays so they’re ‘cat friendly’.
You’re moving home in the near future and want it to be as stress-free as possible for your cat.
You’re planning building work and worried your cat will ‘vote with their paws’ and leave home.
Your cat often goes ‘AWOL’ from home for long periods and you’re worried about them.
Here’s what’s included:
1.5-hour consultation – via video call or phone (or in person if we’re local to each other).
A detailed discussion about your cat, their lifestyle, your home environment, your circumstances and concerns, and what you want to achieve.
A personalised plan that we create together that reflects you, your cat and your situation.
An action plan that guides you through what to do, 'step by step', to help your cat.
Follow-up support (via video calls, WhatsApp, phone or email) for 2 months.
The reassurance of knowing you’re doing everything you can to help your cat thrive.
If you need help and would like to book, get in touch to give me an overview of your situation and I’ll guide you through the process.

Investment = £150.00 (plus mileage if in-person session).